This is a blog kept by students of Written Expression III at ISFD 30. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Review: Are you my mother?

“Are you my mother?” It’s a lovely and simple story about a little newborn bird that goes on an adventure searching for his mother.  On his way, the little bird encounters different kinds of animals and ways of transports. He asks them the question “Are you my mother?” and he gets upset when the answer is “no”. This story was written and illustrated by P.D. Eastman and it is a good source at the time of teaching because it is very rich in content, especially if you want to teach your students about nature and animals.  The amount of repetition in the text helps children to memorize sequences, for example: “The cat wasn’t his mother. The hen wasn’t his mother. So the baby bird went on”.

Little children would love this story because it reinforces the link with their mothers. The story teaches them that their mother will always be there for them. Another good thing about this narration is that the little children will feel identified with the little bird because of the bird’s fear of being separated from his mother.

The book has beautiful illustrations that help a lot when reading and they are very colorful. The illustrations make the story enjoyable and easy to follow. The facial expressions of the animals are very vivid and they are very well represented.

The story is highly recommendable and children will love to read it more than once. It’s very simple to understand and children will enjoy it.


  1. Hi Macarena!

    Very nice review! I would have used other title, something with more attractiveness. A good way of catching someone's attention is using wordgames, humour, etc. Something I thought was: "Don't went on! Here is the mother of children's books!" or something of the sort LOL

    Good job!

  2. Good review Macarena! I liked the way in which you wrote ir. Short and sweet! Simple and friendly.
    "The book has beautiful illustrations that help a lot when reading and they are very colorful. The illustrations make the story enjoyable and easy to follow. The facial expressions of the animals are very vivid and they are very well represented." this extract is, as I said before, simple but well written.

  3. I like your review Maca!!! When I read it I feel it reflects the way you are, simple and direct. :)

  4. I like your review Maca!!! When I read it I feel it reflects the way you are, simple and direct. :)

  5. Maca, nice review! I like the way in which you have started it, the plot very briefly at the very beginning... good tool!

  6. Maca, nice review! I like the way in which you have started it, the plot very briefly at the very beginning... good tool!

  7. Good review, Macarena! The linguist move I'd like to use is "The story is highly recommendable and children will love to read it more than once". It's a great conclusion that encourages us to get the book. Well done!

  8. Reading it again, because of the mid-term exam, I think I should have joined the two first sentences. I mean, I should have omitted the personal pronoun IT. Am I clear? "'Are you my mother?' is a lovely...". Just a humble comment.

  9. Reading it again, because of the mid-term exam, I think I should have joined the two first sentences. I mean, I should have omitted the personal pronoun IT. Am I clear? "'Are you my mother?' is a lovely...". Just a humble comment.

  10. Reading it again, because of the mid-term exam, I think I should have joined the two first sentences. I mean, I should have omitted the personal pronoun IT. Am I clear? "'Are you my mother?' is a lovely...". Just a humble comment.
